Professional Experiences
Asobo Studio, Bordeaux, France
Engine developer on Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024
- Asset pipeline (textures, modding, backwards compatibility...)
- Ownership on multitasking with fibers (scheduling and reimplementation in assembly)
- Ownership on data structures and containers
- Metrics on user crashs about last minutes activity and repro steps
- Mentorship in C++ and Python for other professions (Tech Art, Build&Release)
ENSEIRB-MATMECA, Bordeaux, France
Seminar teacher
- Initiatory C projects (1st semester of C)
- Operating systems in C (virtual memory, scheduling, cache)
Hubert Curien Laboratory, Saint-Étienne, France
Study of behaviours of electronic targets during laser injections
- Reverse engineering with laser injections on Phase Locked-Loop (PLL)
- Altering with laser injections a C program on STM32
- Scientific publication for CARDIS 2021 :
Multi-spot Laser Fault Injection Setup: New Possibilities for Fault Injection Attacks
- Documenting results and installation for reproductibility
Operational Internship, QiOVA, Saint-Étienne, France
Electronic and Computer Design for automated testing of commercialized hardware
- Improved productivity with automated testing before commercialization
- Electronic design to measure analogic voltage and timing behaviours
- Test development with these circuits, managed by an Arduino Uno
- Documenting designs, behaviours and test API.
Master in IT, Video Game profile at UQAC (Québec, Canada)
Double degree with the engineer program of Télécom Saint-Étienne.
Secretary for the Maths and IT student association (AEMI).
Research on generation of polyominos:
On the Generation of Discrete Figures with Connectivity Constraints (RAIRO-ITA 2024)
Engineer Program at Télécom Saint-Étienne, France
Specialized in Computing and Image Processing
: VP Events of the School Council
: Member of Projet&Tech, the school robotic association
: Preparatory Cycle at Télécom Saint-Étienne, France
Initial Cycle in IT at Saint-Etienne (CITISE)
Deliver a Technical Degree in Electrical Engineering and Industrial Computing (DUT GEII)
Software Development
- Programming with C17 and C++20, desktop and embedded
- Tools for processing and automation with Python
- Web : Javascript front-end, nginx, WebAssembly
- Video games with Godot Engine (GDScript/C++), Unity (C#)
- Versioning with Git and Perforce
- Development on both Windows and GNU/Linux
- Technical documentation
Other skills
- French (native language)
- English (TOEIC: 925)
- Pedagogy
- Events organization